Nos utilisateurs Frantastique témoignent

Voici les témoignages de nos utilisateurs du monde entier.

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4,6 sur App Store, Play Store et Trustpilot.
Plus de 7 000 000 d'utilisateurs.

Dr. Brenda M. (München)

Since I subscribed to Frantatstique, I have made great progress. My French grammar...

Elisabeth E. (Mooskirchen)

Gymglish makes it easy for me to learn English, it is a supplement to my weekly...

Michael B. (Richmond)

I have always loved France and the French language. If only I could speak it and...

Daiki Y. (Binghamton)

Hi! My name is Daiki Yoshioka. I am an international student from Japan who moved to...

Stéphanie U. (Stockholm)

Frantastique really helped me before my trip to Belgium. I am still using the...

Steve U. (New-York)

Having used French on a professional level since October 2012, Frantastique...

Kate B. (Tokyo)

This is the first time that I have not followed a course via the Internet. I have...

Arthur E. (Québec)

This was very fun and very instructive for me. Your method of teaching is really very...

Simon F. (Montpellier)

I was one of the early Frantastique users. At the time I signed up, I had never lived in a French...

María Rosa A. (Madrid)

How did Frantastique change my life? French people are well-known for being rude and...

Carlos M. (Barcelona)

I’ve been studying French since I was a boy in the school and then in some official...

Anna I. (Düsseldorf)

When I first 'met' Victor Hugo during French lessons in school in Germany I didn't pay...

Peter H. (GELEEN)

I use Frantastique in the early morning, even before my coffee. In my early years I fell in love...

Kate W. (Les Roches de Condrieu)

Although I live in France, Frantastique has really helped me. It's the first French...

Reginald W. (London)

I have been following the Frantastique course for the past 6 months to develop...

Dorothy K. (The Villages)

I look forward to my Frantastique lesson every weekday. I have taken lots of...


I gave up my online studies on psychology recently due to circumstances related to...

Elizabeth S. (Luanda)

I've been exposed to French since I was a small kid in the mid 80s. My big brother was...

Elisangela D. (Montréal)

My name is Elisângela, I'm Brazilian, married, but I live in Montreal, Canada...

Theresa E. (Inman)

I've studied French from high school days, then lived in Paris for two years after...